CCAC On The Road 2005

CCAC On The Road 2005

Cape Cod Athletic Club , January 1, 2005

Notable performances from some CCAC club members who traveled around the world.  Results are listed in reverse chronological order.

LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon
Chicago, IL, October 9, 2005
  493 SEAN DOHERTY #3329  OSTERVILLE, MA  41M   62M40-49  2:57:39  6:45
10275 AMY PEACOCK  #17361 OSTERVILLE, MA  40F  346F40-49  4:07:34  9:06
Ballycotton Ten Mile Road Race
County Cork, Ireland, March 6, 2005
Sunny weather, slight breeze, mid-40s, dry roads, good running weather.
Time, Name, Age, finishing place out of 2800 entrants, 1,950 finishers.
59:20 Sean Doherty 40, 81st;
75:01 Bill Masterson 66, 704th, 2nd M65-69;
76:42 Chris Sabatini 43, 795th;
80:42 Randy Coggins 49, 1036th;
82:52 Amy Peacock 39, 1151st;
87:11 Jim McLaughlin 50, 1378th;
87:15 Paul Jacobs 40, 1382nd;
88:45 Natalie Shea 34, 1443rd;
89:01 Lisa Mycock-Kelly 35, 1458th;
89:04 Sarah Manning 40, 1461st;
95:25 Diane Wolsieffer 45, 1676th.
Gasparilla Distance Classic - Marathon
Tampa, FL, February 6, 2005
 108 Gene Cormier       3:19:42  7:37   2 M55-59
 527 Janet Kelly        4:11:15  9:34   1 F55-59
 836 George Graeber     4:54:03 11:12  21 M60-64
Gasparilla Distance Classic - Half Marathon
Tampa, FL, February 6, 2005
  54 Franco Bonfini     1:33:18  7:05   9 M40-44
  83 Larry Belliveau    1:34:39  7:11   7 M50-54
 359 Tom Nally          1:50:35  8:26  13 M55-59
 749 Tom Scott          2:03:38  9:26  29 M55-59
 848 Patricia Nally     2:08:36  9:45  21 F50-54
 863 Brian Kelly        2:09:14  9:47   8 M60-64
Gasparilla Distance Classic - 15K
Tampa, FL, February 5, 2005
 147 Willis Michaelson  1:01:55  6:39   2 M50-54
 463 Tom Nally          1:09:45  7:28  22 M55-59
 783 Tom Scott          1:15:24  7:57  35 M55-59
1144 Brian Kelly        1:18:34  8:25  25 M60-64
1527 George Graeber     1:22:25  8:50  30 M60-64
1570 Patricia Nally     1:22:51  8:52  20 F50-54
Gasparilla Distance Classic - 5K
Tampa, FL, February 5, 2005
 409 Tom Nally            23:10  7:25   6 M55-59
 789 George Graeber       25:37  8:09  17 M60-64
 797 Tom Scott            25:31  8:10  19 M55-59
1003 Brian Kelly          26:26  8:25  22 M60-64
1424 Patricia Nally       27:44  8:51  19 F50-54
4948 Wes Chadbourne       44:10 13:51  25 M70-74
Gasparilla Distance Classic - PT Cruiser
Tampa, FL, February 5-6, 2005
  35 George Graeber     6:41:22
Gasparilla Distance Classic - Jeep Liberty Chlg
5K/15K/Half Marathon
Tampa, FL, February 5-6, 2005
  35 Tom Nally          3:23:19
  59 Tom Scott          3:43:06
  72 Brian Kelly        3:53:06
  80 Patricia Nally     3:58:03