Group Runs

There are many group runs on the Cape, distance and pace vary but there is something for everyone from turtles to speedsters. Runs are free, fun and a great way to meet new runners and walkers! These group runs are not sanctioned by the Cape Cod Athletic Club, this schedule is for informational purposes only.

For the most up to date information on who, what, where and how fast follow our Facebook page or email the designated group contact.


Aquatic Brewing Sunday Fun Run

Starts at 11:30AM every Sunday. Depart from Aquatic Brewing at 661 Main Street in Falmouth to run a fun, neighborhood 5K. Entry is free, times are self-reported and the Falmouth Running Club provides post-run pizza.


The Cape Cod Beer

 Runs/Bike Rides are back

 As of April 22, 2019!

Hanlon’s, Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod and Cape Cod Beer are teaming up for a weekly fun run or bike ride. A fun social event whether your goal is to get started, get fit, get faster or just have fun. A pint for all runners (21=) at the end. 5:30-6:30PM June 6-August 29 (excluding Independence Day).

Facebook Event Page


Chatham Harbor 10k

Meet at Chatham High School at 5:00PM for a 6.2 mile tour of Chatham. Paces vary 8-11:00 min/mile as well as a walking group! The group heads to the Chatham Squire for dinner afterwards! There’s a nice 5K option too. Group Contact:  George and Kathy Henry


Hanlon’s 5 Miler (Late October thru May)

Meet at Hanlon’s Shoes in Hyannis at 5:45pm. Two groups meet, turtles (10:00-11:00 min/mile)leave at 5:45pm, big dogs (7-9 min/mile)leave at 6pm. Group Contact: Hanlon’s Shoes


Brooks Park 8

Meet at 5:00PM at Brooks Park in Harwich Center and run a loop that includes the bike path and Bells Neck conservation lands. Not up for the whole 8? Hop on the bike path and do a short loop through Thompson’s Field or a few laps on the Monomoy High School track.

Sandwich Road Runners

6:00PM at the Pilot House Restaurant in Sandwich.


Spend some time with your family already, you can’t run every night!


Barnstable Village Run

Meet at various times between 6am and 9am in the upper lot behind the Barnstable Fire Station. 5 mile loop course, groups do anywhere from 5-20 miles. During Boston buildup the group meets every other Saturday. Paces vary 7:30-10:30 min/miles. Group Contact: Mary Duchesney