A Special President’s Message – March 2003

A Special President’s Message – March 2003

Cape Cod Athletic Club , March 1, 2003

from Bill Ferguson

Attention All Members

There will be club meetings as usual on the first Wednesdays of April and May. We will then adjourn for our summer recess and reconvene on Wednesday, September 1st.

Please begin thinking about next fall when, in November, annual club elections will choose a slate of officers as well as a board of directors. It is appropriate to start canvassing candidates to vie for the positions at this time. In the coming months, please give strong consideration to making yourself available for a role in the management of the club, or nominating someone who would be willing to serve. The attached form may help you in organizing your selections.

There will also be two questions on the November ballot, two issues which will require your vote. Please consider the following:

  1. A vote will be taken on a motion to amend the club’s by-laws and move the date of the club’s annual elections from November to April. The proposed change recognizes that elections, and the terms of new officers currently take place at the height of the club’s busy planning and activity cycle of winter racing and social events. The change to April elections would allow a less hectic transition period.
  2. There is a motion before the club to possibly move the monthly meeting site away from the Dennis Senior Center.  We have been informed by the Town of Dennis that there will be an annual user fee of $276 assessed for the use of the facility. The vote will be whether to pay the fee and continue at our present location, or form a committee to find a less expensive (or gratis) spot to meet each month.

The November election meeting will be here all too soon. Please give a lot of thought to those people who might best continue the fine traditions and events of the club, and the issues now up for consideration. If you would like to submit you candidates, ideas and opinions before that day, send the attached form to the club or contact the outgoing, lame-duck president.