CCAC Member Results: September 2001
Cape Cod Athletic Club , September 30, 2001
Marshfield Road Runners 28th 20K
Marshfield, MA, September 30, 2001
7 Francis P. Guido Yarmouthport MA 38 41 4 M 40-49 1:24:06 6:49/M
27 Wilhelm Kadunc Hyannis MA 77 49 12 M 40-49 1:32:03 7:27/M
Miles for Michelle
South Boston, MA, September 30, 2001
197 DENNIS HANLON M 55 52:22 10:29 13/17 M5059 350 E SANDWICH MA
NRT Harvest Fair Road Race
North Easton, MA, September 30, 2001
98 31 TOM KELLEY M5059 PLYMOUTH 42:41 8:33
Ro-Jack's 2 & 5 Mile
Attleboro, MA, September 30, 2001
187 30:49 6:10 2 60-98 65 156 M 446 William Riley Marstons Mills,MA Boston Athletic Association
280 34:00 6:48 15 40-49 43 63 F 577 Susan Lowry Sandwich,MA
313 35:10 7:02 17 40-49 47 70 F 576 Mary Peabody Dennis,MA
456 39:41 7:56 30 40-49 47 119 F 583 Sharyn Greenleaf Brewster,MA CCAC
566 44:00 8:48 26 60-98 63 404 M 191 Joe Curley Marlboro,MA Tri-Valley Frontrunners
Clarence DeMar Marathon
Keene, NH, September 30, 2001
117 2/11 M6099 3:48:42 8:44 PETE STRINGER 60 M 257 OSTERVILLE MA
139 19/38 M5059 3:53:14 8:54 CLARENCE ECKERSON 51 M 273 YARMOUTHPORT MA
225 5/9 F5059 4:38:37 10:38 JANE HATTEMER 50 F 258 OSTERVILLE MA
Team with a Vision
Cambridge, MA, September 29, 2001
25 22:02 7:06 3 50-59 21 M 139 Duke Hutchinson Watertown,MA
New Hampshire Marathon & 10k
Bristol, NH, September 29, 2001
44 12/20 M5059 4:15:34 9:45 GARY CAMPAGNA 54 M 91 BREWSTER MA
Police Chase
Boston, MA, September 23, 2001
131 38:31 7:42 9 30-39 21 F 686 Natalie Shea Law Enforcement
557 56:15 11:15 48 50-59 387 M 58 Dennis Hanlon E. Sandwich,MA Non Law Enforcement
Amherst Invitational at Hampshire College - Boys Results
Amherst, MA, September 22, 2001
5 Colby Monahan 16:38 Dennis-Yarmouth
East Coast Fall Marathon Tune Up
Lynn, MA, September 22, 2001
39 DUKE HUTCHINSON 4/27 M5059 WATERTOWN MA 2:26:42 7:53
Coffee-O Five
Falmouth, MA, September 21, 2001
1 Ken Gartner W. Falmouth 41 M 28:32
12 Mike Mullo Falmouth 64 M 36:10
K's for Caring
Boston, MA, September 19, 2001
11 2/10 M5059 19:45 6:22 DUKE HUTCHINSON 54 M 167 WATERTOWN MA
Doc Linskey 5 Mile Road Race
Cambridge, MA, September 16, 2001
36 DUKE HUTCHINSON M 54 32:09 6:26 3/83 M5059 32 WATERTOWN MA
655 DENNIS HANLON M 54:48 10:58 990 E SANDWICH MA
Tim White 5 K
Brighton, MA, September 16, 2001
253 30:11 9:44 3 60-69 139 M 182 Wes Chadbourne Plympton,MA
CVS/Pharmacy Downtown 5K
Providence, RI, September 16, 2001
308 2/62 M6099 19:19 6:13 19:24* WILLIAM RILEY 65 2165 MARSTONS MIUS MA BOSTON ATHLETIC ASSOC
1369 28/62 M6099 26:05 8:24 27:09 JOE CURLEY 63 2010 MARLBOROUGH MA TRIVALLEY FRONTRUNNERS
2nd Annual 5k Run & 2 Mile Walk for Rehab
Sandwich, MA, September 15, 2001
1 Barry Merrill 43 M Centerville MA 16:59 5:39
3 Michael Parker 44 M Cotuit MA 18:52 6:17
7 Gene A. Cormier 53 M S. Dennis MA 20:41 6:53
8 Will Mason 60 M W. Barnstable MA 20:58 6:58
13 Kathleen Thomas 44 F Mashpee MA 21:50 7:16
17 Dwight Pfundstein 44 M Mashpee MA 22:26 7:28
28 Judy Stacy-Johnson 49 F Dennisport MA 23:41 7:53
38 Kathleen Field 48 F Sandwich MA 24:28 8:08
47 Peter Tancredi 59 M Sandwich MA 25:17 8:24
53 Joanne Corsano 47 F Pocasset MA 26:24 8:47
54 Jane Lovelette 48 F Yarmouthport MA 26:28 8:48
61 Mark Linse 47 M Sandwich MA 27:13 9:03
62 Janet Garnier 55 F Sandwich MA 27:19 9:05
80 Joanne Creel 51 F Yarmouthport MA 30:08 10:01
Family Autism Center Road Race
Westwood, MA, September 15, 2001
14 PETER WALLAN 47 M 6/9 M4049 SHARON MA 25:12 8:07
Medfield Road Race
Medfield, MA, September 15, 2001
102 27:50 8:59 2 60-98 78 M 90 Bernie Swansey S. Yarmouth,MA
24th Bar Harbor Half Marathon
Bar Harbor, ME, September 15, 2001
57 Steve Loesch 45 M E Sandwich MA 491 1:36:35
Coffee-O Five
Falmouth, MA, September 14, 2001
2 Ken Gartner W. Falmouth 41 M 29:45
Boston Race for the Cure 5K Run
Boston, MA, September 9, 2001
2323 37:35 12:07 527 30-39 1678 F 6195 Diane Curley
Degan 5 & 10K
Quincy, MA, September 9, 2001
717 75:08 12:07 58 50-59 484 M 2557 Dennis Hanlon E Sandwich,MA
Rocky Marciano Run
Brockton, MA, September 9, 2001
8 143 JOHN A MARTIN M4049 HYANNIS MA 30:03 6:01
51 103 PETER WALLAN M5059 SHARON MA 37:36 7:32
NETT - Sprint II Triathlon
Hyannis, MA, September 8, 2001
1 1/10 ELITEM 1 GEORGE BENT 36 M CENTERVILLE MA 3 3:50 1 26:16 6 21:48 51:54
25 9/10 ELITEM 17 F JEREMY DODDS 32 M YARMOUTHPORT MA 217 6:16 17 28:27 31 23:24 58:07
30 5/57 M3539 514 MIKE HERLIHY 36 M BREWSTER MA 29 4:38 68 31:28 15 22:37 58:43
44 2/53 F3539 567 CHRISTINE PRATT-GORRILL 38 F CENTERVILLE MA 78 5:11 72 31:46 22 23:08 1:00:05
48 2/27 M4549 765 STEPHEN EDWARDS 45 M HYANNIS MA 60 5:01 31 29:30 99 25:54 1:00:25
130 21/101 M3034 434 GEOF NEWTON 34 M BREWSTER MA 555 8:22 146 34:24 48 24:10 1:06:56
142 2/32 F4044 742 KATHLEEN THOMAS 44 F MASHPEE MA 156 5:48 144 34:23 168 27:25 1:07:36
246 41/71 M4044 747 C STEVEN PUTNAM 44 M SANDWICH MA 328 6:52 163 34:43 342 30:50 1:12:25
370 3/12 F5054 813 A JACKIE MCDONOUGH 50 F E SANDWICH MA 375 7:05 383 39:15 351 30:57 1:17:17
372 17/27 M4549 784 C RUSSELL HUBLER 48 M BREWSTER MA 114 5:27 374 38:58 445 33:04 1:17:29
430 1/1 F6064 867 MARTHA EDWARDS 61 F W YARMOUTH MA 519 8:02 344 38:11 487 34:03 1:20:16
Run 2 the Rock
Plymouth, MA, September 8, 2001
10 42:57 6:56 2 50-59 8 M 483 David Mason
13 43:28 7:01 1 40-49 3 F 484 Mary Peabody
22 45:03 7:16 7 30-39 17 M 485 Chris Sabatini
Run 2 the Rock
Plymouth, MA, September 8, 2001
46 1:45:40 8:04 8 50-59 40 M 836 George Johnson Manomet,MA
64 1:51:55 8:33 8 30-39 15 F 744 Jan Felt E Sandwich,MA
68 1:52:20 8:35 9 30-39 17 F 770 Kate Naples E Sand,MA
78 1:54:00 8:42 1 50-59 23 F 705 Janet Jordan Sandwich,MA
159 2:31:51 11:35 7 60-98 105 M 757 Wes Chadbourne Plymouth,MA
161 2:33:09 11:41 6 50-59 56 F 826 Joanne Creel Yarmouthport,MA
26th Run Around the Block 15K
Block Island, RI, September 8, 2001
2 KEN GARTNER 41M 53:40 Men's Master, 40-49 5:46:14
Coffee-O Five
Falmouth, MA, September 7, 2001
6 Ken Gartner W. Falmouth 41 M 32:48
15 Mike Mullo Falmouth 64 M 36:37
Cape Ann YMCA - 68th Annual Around Cape Ann 25K
Gloucester, MA, September 3, 2001
379 KATE NAPLES F 34 2:12:42 8:33 30/100 F3039 328 E SANDWICH MA
Walpole High School 10K
Walpole, MA, September 3, 2001
9 36:18 5:51 8 40-49 9 M 267 John Martin Hyannis,MA
Willis St. Charles 5K
Rochester, NH, September 3, 2001
324 31/34 M3039 30:06 9:42 SEAN DOHERTY 37 M 83 CENTERVILLE MA
John Gray 5 & 10 Mile Run
Orleans, MA, September 2, 2001
2 0:27:26 5:29 2 40-49 2 M 803 Barry Merrill
10 0:30:41 6:08 1 60-98 10 M 719 Bill Riley Marstons Mills,MA
11 0:31:14 6:15 3 20-29 11 M 922 Dan Baker S Dennis,MA
17 0:32:53 6:35 5 30-39 16 M 746 Van Morrill Marstons Mills,MA
18 0:32:59 6:36 1 40-49 2 F 895 Susan Lowry Sandwich,MA
21 0:33:09 6:38 2 60-98 18 M 928 Bill Masterson Centerville,MA
22 0:33:12 6:38 3 60-98 19 M 747 Will Mason W Barnstable,MA
23 0:33:14 6:39 1 50-59 20 M 799 David Mason
29 0:34:53 6:59 2 40-49 5 F 800 Mary Peabody
52 0:37:34 7:31 4 60-98 40 M 117 James Hines Marstons Mills,MA
53 0:37:38 7:32 7 50-59 41 M 864 David Baker
67 0:38:57 7:47 18 40-49 52 M 901 Steve Terry S Chatham,MA
73 0:39:13 7:51 6 40-49 17 F 807 Kathleen Richards
78 0:39:32 7:54 14 30-39 59 M 854 Robert Kadunc
81 0:39:44 7:57 8 40-49 22 F 777 Kathleen Field Sandwich,MA
83 0:39:49 7:58 9 40-49 23 F 802 Judy Johnson
84 0:39:53 7:59 20 40-49 61 M 789 Russell Hubler
89 0:40:29 8:06 1 60-98 26 F 858 Elizabeth Jazowski
107 0:42:08 8:26 2 50-59 35 F 867 Marilyn Baker
109 0:42:16 8:27 10 40-49 36 F 868 Joan Marcy
112 0:42:38 8:32 11 40-49 38 F 764 Judy Terry S Chatham,MA
115 0:42:45 8:33 3 50-59 41 F 716 Cheryl Ferguson Yarmouthport,MA
159 0:47:05 9:25 22 50-59 97 M 753 Tom Radziewicz S Yarmouth,MA
176 0:49:20 9:52 34 40-49 107 M 748 Steve Edwards S Orleans,MA
193 0:51:27 10:17 26 40-49 81 F 845 Linda Darbyshire Brewster,MA
194 0:51:34 10:19 3 60-98 82 F 916 Lucy Duffy Brewster,MA
199 0:52:37 10:31 14 60-98 113 M 119 Donald Heyer Orleans,MA
208 0:57:22 11:28 16 60-98 118 M 724 Peter Buffington New York,NY
John Gray 5 & 10 Mile Run
Orleans, MA, September 2, 2001
4 0:59:35 5:58 2 30-39 4 M 261 Adam Polakowski W Yarmouth,MA
8 1:02:25 6:14 2 40-49 8 M 162 Michael Sellars Mashpee,MA
12 1:04:27 6:27 4 40-49 12 M 2 Mike Naughton Orleans,MA
18 1:06:24 6:38 1 50-59 18 M 249 Bill Lord Hyannisport,MA
20 1:06:45 6:40 9 40-49 19 M 193 Francis Guido Yarmouthport,MA
24 1:07:27 6:45 6 30-39 23 M 276 Mike Herlihy Brewster,MA
25 1:07:45 6:46 4 50-59 24 M 237 Duke Hutchinson Watertown,MA
26 1:07:52 6:47 5 50-59 25 M 229 Christopher Ryan Monument Bch,MA
28 1:09:13 6:55 12 40-49 27 M 231 Mike Wallace E Sandwich,MA
29 1:09:55 7:00 7 30-39 28 M 332 Vincent Smith M Mills,MA
39 1:12:22 7:14 6 50-59 35 M 327 Jim Peters W Yarmouth,MA
40 1:12:26 7:15 7 50-59 36 M 123 Steve Ryan Brewster,MA
45 1:13:45 7:22 16 40-49 38 M 259 Wilhelm Kadunc Hyannis,MA
46 1:13:48 7:23 12 30-39 39 M 286 Chris Sabatini Centerville,MA
47 1:13:57 7:24 8 50-59 40 M 132 Tom Nally S Dennis,MA
60 1:16:37 7:40 19 40-49 48 M 155 Steve Loesch E Sandwich,MA
68 1:18:18 7:50 11 50-59 52 M 6 Bill Ferguson Yarmouthport,MA
69 1:18:22 7:50 10 30-39 17 F 329 Natalie Shea Centerville,MA
72 1:20:05 8:00 11 30-39 18 F 265 Maj Turi Brown Centerville,MA
74 1:20:17 8:02 12 30-39 19 F 756 Kate Naples E Sandwich,MA
83 1:21:51 8:11 6 40-49 23 F 288 Tess Watts N Chatham,MA
85 1:21:57 8:12 16 50-59 62 M 331 Gary Campagna Brewster,MA
86 1:22:01 8:12 3 60-98 63 M 191 Robert Smith S Chatham,MA
97 1:23:55 8:24 7 40-49 27 F 152 Cindy Mesmer S Yarmouth,MA
103 1:24:24 8:26 21 50-59 74 M 169 Brian Kelly Sandwich,MA
104 1:24:30 8:27 3 50-59 30 F 159 Janet Jordan Sandwich,MA
113 1:26:49 8:41 22 50-59 82 M 255 Dick Doran Pembroke,MA
114 1:27:33 8:45 4 50-59 32 F 190 Pat Nally S Dennis,MA
115 1:27:38 8:46 4 60-98 83 M 233 Joe Curley Marlboro,MA
127 1:28:24 8:50 29 40-49 89 M 330 Joe Carroll W Barnstable,MA
129 1:28:32 8:51 Age? 90 M 244 David Mason Brewster,MA
135 1:29:25 8:56 10 40-49 41 F 324 Jane Hattemer Osterville,MA
150 1:33:04 9:18 12 40-49 47 F 248 Joanne Corsano Pocasset,MA
162 1:37:14 9:43 16 40-49 53 F 168 Jane Lovelette Yarmouthport,MA
174 1:46:39 10:40 5 50-59 60 F 143 Joanne Creel Yarmouthport,MA
176 1:52:06 11:13 11 60-98 115 M 128 Wes Chadbourne Plympton,MA